Warhammer: Chaosbane Wiki

Nuln is one of the locations visited in Warhammer: Chaosbane.


Nuln is the bastion of the south. It was once home to the court of the Emperor and today it remains Altdorf's largest rival, both politically and economically. Whole districts are constantly smothered in Nuln smog due to the foundries, which operate day and night to meet demand for the artillery trains that are now so crucial to the Empire's defence.

Nuln is also famed for being the home of the Imperial Gunnery School, a sprawling network of forges and smelteries where veteran gunsmiths manufacture and maintain the Imperial artillery trains. Now, they even maintain Altdorf's own engineering treasures - the remaining steam tanks - which is quite a coup! Many nobles send their artillerymen to the Imperial Gunnery School to learn the art of ballistics and crews trained in the smog-shrouded city are highly valued.
